Join us at the Arabian Travel Market (ATM) where GP Solutions will showcase our state-of-the-art travel software. It’s a fantastic chance to discover how we’re shaping the future of travel technology.

Find Us at Stand EU4530 – Our dedicated team looks forward to connecting with you, understanding your business challenges, and presenting our innovative solutions.

Book Your Meeting – Ensure you get personal time with our specialists. Secure your appointment and let’s explore new horizons together.

Our Esteemed Team Members:
• Sergey Zubekhin, CEO & Co-founder — The architect of our tech-driven vision.

• Maria Bondarenko, VP Product & Shareholder — The mastermind behind our product excellence.

• Niko Miron, Business Development Executive — Ready to discuss strategic growth opportunities.

• Dmitry Demenok, Business Development Executive — Helping in aligning your business goals with technology.

• Fred Bean, Chief Partnership Officer — Building impactful partnerships for mutual success.

We can’t wait to meet you there and start a dialogue on innovation and success!