Nadezhda Nikolayevich, a UI-designer with GP Solutions GmbH, delivers a speech on the annual international conference “Software People 2009” in Moscow.

The event is attended by over 300 specialists from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Europe, and the United States. Participants of the conference include top-managers from world-renowned software development experts Microsoft, IBM, ScumTrek, Artics Internet Solutions, Usability Labs and others.

The theme of the event is to share and explore modern approaches to management of software development, define new efficient trends in process management, project management, and human resource management.

The conference is supported by presentations, workshops, seminars and discussions; all the events are on-air via

As part of the event Mrs. Nikolaevich gives the speech “Designers and Developers: Ways for Conciliation”. In her speech, Mrs. Nikolaevich outlines the main points of co-operation between software developers and designers, airs her view on how to find the best suitable design for a development team and shares her own experience.