
Travel Suppliers & Integrations

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Travel Suppliers & Integrations
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Amadeus API Examples: An Overview of Amadeus GDS

Amadeus is widely known in the world of travel. A Madrid-based giant in travel distribution and technology,  the company develops its activities around the following key areas: Development of their proprietary Global Distribution System (GDS); Provision of state-of-the-art travel automation solutions. In this particular overview we’d like to concentrate on the functionality offered for establishing […]

Travel Suppliers & Integrations

Hotel Channel Management Software: Main Providers and How to Choose One for Your Business

Checking in with a pen and a notebook is a distant memory for the hotel industry. Hospitality brands nowadays understand they need to focus on online sales across numerous channels, including their own customer-facing websites. It’s a fact of life that the modern traveller is becoming increasingly more tech-savvy and is relying on digital distribution […]

Travel Suppliers & Integrations

Airline Consolidators Reviews: Definitions, Nuances and Comparison

The airline consolidation business has quite a specific monetization model. It aims at plane tickets bought wholesale and then resold to travel agencies by retail.

Travel Suppliers & Integrations
Night city

Sabre API Integration: an Entry Guide To Top-Tier GDS

Sabre Corporation is currently one of the world’s leading travel data suppliers. Multiple tour operators, travel portals and agencies around the world are lining up to get a Sabre API Integration as part of their online booking engine or mobile booking app. It currently occupies a 35% market share in flight bookings alone.

Travel Suppliers & Integrations
hotel mapping

Hotel Mapping: Essence, Approaches, Solutions

The global market for online hotels distribution is packed with hundreds of suppliers. They differ by type (GDSs, bedbanks, hotel chains, etc.), depth of content coverage, geographic focus, etc.

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